
Alteryx Inspire 2024 Client Appreciation Event | Top Golf - Las Vegas

Event Details

May 15, 2024

10:30 pm

4627 Koval Ln, Las Vegas, NV 89109

This event has unfortunately ended. Stay tuned for more events like these in the near future!

How good is your backswing? Think you can hit that 250?

Compass Analytics welcomes you to showcase your skills at our coveted annual Top Golf client event in Las Vegas!

Managing Partner Scott Carr will be your host at the range, with his experience in and on the field why not take a shot and see if your big dog can aim better and hit farther! Truth be told, his experience in the field of data is his realm of expertise so you've definitely got a chance! Any challengers?

Tearing up the turf might get you a little peckish. We're Compass Analytics, we've always got you covered, food and beverages will be available throughout the event so fuel up!

Make sure to check in with your Alteryx Account Executive to secure your spot!

We're excited to see you shoot your shot at Top Golf!


Scott Carr

Co-Founder & Managing Partner

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